Suez Canal Container Terminal SCCT unlocode

Port Said East Suez Canal Container Terminal Scct

Information about Port Said East Suez Canal Container Terminal Scct  that is located in Port Said East, Egypt

If you are looking for Suez Canal Unlocode, EGSUZ or EGSCN. Due to the lack of a UN/LOCODE the codes are used to determine the Suez Canal passage.
Country: Egypt
Country Code: EG
Location: Port Said East
Port Facility Number: EGPSE-0001
Latitude: 311360N
Longitude: 0322120E
Port Name: Port Said East Suez Canal Container Terminal Scct
Facility Name: Suez Canal Container Terminal SCCT

Port Said East Suez Canal Container Terminal Scct


GISIS Code : EGPSE-0001

If you are looking for Suez Canal Unlocode, EGSUZ or EGSCN. Due to the lack of a UN/LOCODE the codes are used to determine the Suez Canal passage.
You can see the port position on map,

Port Said East Live Marine Map on MarineTraffic.

Terminal Position on Google Maps.

Tags: Port Said East Suez Canal Container Terminal Scct Port Code, UN/LOCODE, Egypt, Port Said East, Gisis Code, Coordinates, Map, Location